Dear Members,

Welcome to another busy year. As with you in your businesses and lives, we’re busy planning the calendar ahead and looking to step things up a level in 2019. This starts with continuing our state functions, with VIC and NSW both coming up in the coming weeks. We will also shortly be announcing dates for our Essential Treasurer series for late March, webinars, and a Fundamentals of Treasury program. And while it may be a while off, don’t forget Conference 2019 in Melbourne later this year – details will begin to emerge on that shortly.

Feedback is really important to us and will help guide where our focus should be in the coming year and beyond – to that end, many of our members have completed the member satisfaction survey which was distribute in early December. This is about to close so if you haven’t, please complete the survey today. You’ll also be in the draw to win a prize. In addition, for those engaged in our Mentor Program, a short survey seeking views on how the program is going will be shared soon.

Have a great January, we hope you had a restful and happy break with your loved ones.

Ben Leaver