The road to real-time treasury

The road to real-time treasury

Imagine a world of real-time treasury – one where cash is sent and received in real time, and updated automatically on centralised dashboards for all stakeholders to see. 

In this whitepaper, “The road to real-time treasury”, Deutsche Bank combines recent research with Euromoney and expert views to assist corporate treasuries to plan for the future real-time world. In this future, FX conversions are carried out automatically and in real time, with hedges generated instantly to address risky exposures. Surplus funds are invested automatically according to treasury-determined preferences for risk, return and diversification, while cash-flow forecasts are generated and updated in real time – pinpointing when and how much borrowing is required.

The real time treasury is a concept that has grown in popularity over the last few years, yet it remains, in the minds of many, a long way down the road. In reality, however, the industry has made considerable progress along this road – either developing or already providing the majority of supporting services required for real-time treasury management. Though a far-flung vision to some, the real-time treasury is quickly becoming a reality.