New dates!
In addition to wanting to see our members in a face to face setting, the health and safety of the Treasury Community is our highest priority.
After careful consideration, and following the continued uncertainty caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19), the ACTA Board and Management have made the decision to move the 34th Annual Australian Treasury Conference to a later date.
The 34th Annual Australian Treasury Conference will now take place on 4th-6th May 2022.
Having spent the year preparing for the Conference, and with Conference Committee developing what we think is our most exciting Conference Program yet, coupled with the time between Conferences, and the outstanding venue, we are planning for, and expecting this to be, the biggest ACTA Conference ever.
Original Event Date: 29 Nov – 1 Dec 2021
New Event Date: 4th – 6th May 2022
All ticket purchases for the Nov/Dec 2021 dates will be honoured for the rescheduled May 2022 dates.
If you are unable to attend on the new dates (4th-6th May 2022) and seek a refund, or wish to discuss your options please email us at comms@actatreasury.com.au
The latest information will always be at www.treasuryconference.com.au.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you, the Treasury Community for your support, open discussions and encouragement. Rescheduling the Conference will enable us to provide the experience that the Treasury Community expect and deserve in a safe environment.
We look forward to hosting you all in new year. Until then, stay safe and healthy.