Webinar: Building Cyber Resilience in Times of Increasing Threat
Join us as the ANZ provides us with their latest update on cybersecurity covering:
- Cybercrime – current state/landscape
- Opportunities and challenges
- ANZ Focusing Areas
- Building Cyber Resilience
- Getting Support
Date: Thursday 16th November 2023
Time: 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM AEDT
Delivery: Microsoft Teams (link to be provided by 4pm the day before, and 1 hour before)
- Gajan Ananthapavan, Head of Security Operations, Intelligence & Influence, ANZ
- Shane Ripley, Threat Intelligence, ANZ
- Pip Campbell, Head of Transaction Banking, AU & PNG, ANZ
ACTA Members: Free
Non-Members: $110 (inc GST)
Non-Member (Full Time) Students: $25 (inc GST)
INFINZ Members: $25 AUD (inc GST)